Collections During Times of Economic Uncertainty

Collections During Times of Economic Uncertainty

As the country and world face economic uncertainty, your business may be concerned about whether accounts sent to collections will actually lead to recovered funds. If more people struggle to pay their dues, leading to the collections process, will they actually pay...
How Should Your Gym Handle Disputes?

How Should Your Gym Handle Disputes?

When your gym sends a member to the collections process, the member may decide to dispute the claim. This happens to us at Aldous & Associates, as gym members write to our office to dispute the debt we previously contacted them about. When this happens, we send a...
Best Practices for Managing Delinquent Members

Best Practices for Managing Delinquent Members

When you run a gym business, you and your team likely want to focus on your collective passion for fitness. It muddies the water when your staff has to talk to members about non-compliance regarding payments, yet payment of member dues is how to run a successful gym...